Dani Alves trial: Ex-Brazil player guilty of nightclub rape

Dani Alves trial: Ex-Brazil player guilty of nightclub rape

A Spanish court has reached a verdict in the case involving former Barcelona and Brazil footballer Dani Alves, finding him guilty of raping a woman at a Barcelona nightclub. The court has sentenced the 40-year-old, celebrated as one of the most decorated footballers in history, to four and a half years in prison. Alves had vehemently denied the allegations of sexual assault, which occurred in the early hours of December 31, 2022.

Despite his denial, the court ruled against him, issuing a sentence of four and a half years behind bars along with an additional five years of probation. The prosecution had initially sought a nine-year prison term, but the court's decision fell within the range of sentences typically associated with sexual assault convictions in Spain.

In its judgment, the court acknowledged Alves's decision to compensate the victim with €150,000 in damages, irrespective of the trial's outcome. However, the argument presented by his defense, suggesting that his intoxication should mitigate his sentence, was not accepted. Although Alves's wife testified that he appeared heavily intoxicated on the night of the incident, the court determined that alcohol consumption did not excuse his actions.

According to the prosecution's account, Alves and a friend had purchased champagne for three young women before Alves coerced one of them into a VIP section of the nightclub under false pretenses. There, the situation escalated, with Alves allegedly forcing the woman into sexual activity against her will, despite her protests. The court found that the woman did not consent to the encounter.

Recent changes in Spanish law, emphasizing the significance of consent under the "Only Yes is Yes" principle, played a pivotal role in the case. The court cited evidence beyond the victim's testimony, including Alves's forceful actions and the victim's distress, to support its ruling.

Alves, who has been in pre-trial detention since January 2023, provided conflicting testimonies throughout the proceedings. Initially denying any acquaintance with the accuser, he later admitted to encountering her in the restroom but claimed nothing inappropriate occurred. Subsequently, he changed his story once more, alleging consensual sexual activity.

Despite his illustrious football career, which included successful stints at Barcelona, Sevilla, Juventus, and PSG, as well as numerous accolades with the Brazilian national team, Alves's reputation now faces significant tarnish due to these legal proceedings and his conviction for rape.


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